Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the 4 recognized branches of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) along with acupuncture, Chinese food therapy, and Tui-na (veterinary massage). Although most associate Chinese medicine with acupuncture, often, the majority of cases are treated with herbs, either synergistically along with acupuncture or as a stand-alone treatment, rather than with just acupuncture. Chinese herbal therapies have historical origins which date back 4,000 years. While herbs today are prepared with the benefits of modern technology, they are still guided by the historical wisdom underlying TCVM. Chinese herbal medicine is used to correct imbalances within the body which lead to an underlying disease pattern. A proper TCVM evaluation and diagnosis based on the TCVM pattern is critical for achieving the desired results. Re-evaluating the pet’s response and understanding that individual herbs and herbal formulas can take longer to work than western pharmaceuticals are key points to remember when implementing herbal treatments. TCVM utilizes herbal formulas that are a combination of single-herb ingredients to treat a specific pattern of disease.
The increasing popularity of Chinese herbal medicine lies in the fact that it is an all-natural treatment option that is generally safe and effective when prescribed correctly. An extensive body of clinical research has shown Chinese herbal medicine to be extremely effective in treating chronic veterinary medical issues in the fields of gastroenterology, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, reproduction, oncology, and animal behavior. It is also known to increase the quality of life for geriatric patients. Chinese herbal medicine can be combined with acupuncture and/or Western medicine to enhance clinical results.